The tale of Soul and Love, part One

A beautiful girl is born and her name is Psyche. When she grows to become a woman her fame spreads. Far and wide the people come to pay homage to this unearthly beauty. Some begin to worship Psyche instead of the goddess Aphrodite, which leaves the goddess enraged. She sends her son, Cupid, or Eros to shoot his amorous darts into her while she would be gazing upon the Earth’s most hideous man, making her fall helplessly in love with the beast. But Eros, like the mortals, falls for her instead.

Meanwhile, no mortal will dare to approach Psyche for her hand in marriage. She is only worshiped as an idol or Aphrodite on Earth. Her parents consult an oracle, and are told to leave her on a nearby mountain cliff. After she is left there alone Zephyr the west wind, at Eros’ order, blows her gently down to the valley below. In the valley Psyche finds that a marvelous and enchanted palace awaits her, seemingly unoccupied. But within she is attended by unseen servants, in the palace whose beauty is only surpassed by its wondrous garden. At dusk, the promised groom Eros arrives but does not reveal his immortal identity. He warns Psyche to never light any lamps and leaves their chambers the next morning before dawn. This happens night after night; their love is born and the mystery surrounding who she is actually loving grows stronger in the daytime thoughts of Psyche…… to be continued

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